Film Session: Purdue

  • 01/21/2019 9:12 am in

Anderson passes to Robert Phinisee as Smith sets a screen for him:

After the screen, Smith again clears out to the left corner as Phinisee squares up top. Wheeler again hangs near the lane and gives Smith space:

Phinisee bounce passes to Morgan as Smith still has space in the corner:

Morgan passes back to Phinisee and he heads left:

Morgan rolls to the basket and Wheeler moves his way, giving even more space to Smith:

Phinisee opts for the pass to Morgan in the corner and Wheeler’s now got another long close out:

This time around, Smith throws a pump fake on him and drives right:

Smith faces up and hits the mid-range jumper just before the shot clock expires:

Smith received the ball a different way this time around, but it was another immediate confident move that led to the score here, too.


Continue to page 3 to see a Smith turnover:

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