Positive positivity going into tonight

  • Mar 21, 2008 in


I don’t think it takes any sort of expert in the field of season definition to tell us the overriding adjective to describe IU’s 2007-2008 season. If Big A were to put up a poll over on the right sidebar there, I have a feeling “disappointing” would win going away. This has been a disappointing season. We know this.

But this is not a post to lament the troubles of Kelvin Sampson, Eric Gordon’s recent struggles or Dan Dakich’s inability to get this team to play anywhere near the level Sampson had them at before he took his final bow. Oh no, this is a post to rally us all in one nation under Indiana hoops. So in an effort to convince myself we can actually win tonight — on the whole I’m not an overly positive person when it comes to this stuff so this is really a stretch — here are some quick, not-thought out-at-all positives. Because let’s be positively positive tonight, OK?

Eric Gordon. Yes, I know what you might be saying right now: “How can I possibly be relying on advancing to the second round of the tournament by way of Eric Gordon? The turnover machine? The guy that hasn’t hit a three since like, January?”

Let’s spin it this way, kids: isn’t he due for a big game? A game in which he’s raining threes from half court? In which he’s drawing defenses to him when driving — driving under control, might I add — to the hoop, handing off easy dishes to the rest of the squad. I’d say he’s been due for a few game to show us what he’s really made of. So why not tonight? (Just picture it in your mind for a second. Doesn’t it feel good?)

We have shooters. Armon Bassett, Eric Gordon, Jordan Crawford. If these three are raining from the outside early and often, we know that bodes well for tournament success. Sure, it’s been a while since we’ve seemed white hot from the outside, but again, we’re due right?

The emergence of Big D. Sure, DeAndre Thomas might be ridiculously foul prone, but if he plays with the same wherewithal he displayed in the Minnesota game and we get solid play out of Kyle Taber, we might be able to neutralize the Razorback’s size up front.

D.J. White. No expansion necessary here. And who isn’t pumped for Hansbrough-D.J. matchup?

Commenter Jamie says they looked relaxed at practice. Hey, I’ll take it.

So, there we have it. Feeling better about tonight out there? We must be right? Right? Sigh. I don’t know if this did the trick. Your additional positive reinforcement to make me feel better about the game, as always, are welcomed in the comments.

Indiana, we’re all for you.

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