The return of Pick To Click: Penn State

  • Dec 26, 2010 in

For those unfamiliar with the Pick to Click, you can read the ground rules and how it all works at this link.

This year’s contest will include all eighteen Big Ten games and a prize ($100 gift certificate to will be awarded to the overall winner.

There is, however, a twist in this year’s contest. Rather than giving free reign on who you’re able to pick, we’re instituting a pool system. Each game, there will be a pool of players to select from. This is being done to prevent picking the same player each game, which became a problem last year.

Pool for Penn State: Victor Oladipo, Will Sheehey, Jordan Hulls, Maurice Creek

A few other things to remember:

  • Please make sure you are using a valid e-mail address if you are not registered.
  • Please make sure you are using the same name each time to pick if you are not registered. Once the contest begins, we’ll be tracking wins by the name you use to submit your pick. If your name changes on a game-to-game basis, credit for your pick will be given to the name used to submit the pick.
  • Please state who you are picking as the first thing in your comment. We could potentially have a couple of hundred picks per game. It’s more difficult to keep track of everyone’s pick if it’s not the first thing in your comment.

Picks are due by 6:15 PM ET on Monday.

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