An updated #iubb Twitter guide for the 2017-18 season

  • Sep 22, 2017 in

The official start of practice is now just a week away, which means the #iubb tag on Twitter is about to heat back up.

The IU program has undergone many changes in the last year and we wanted to offer an updated guide for fans to follow the program, players, media and more for the 2017-2018 season. Below is our complete guide on the accounts to follow for IU basketball on Twitter:

(Note: If we’re missing anyone, please post in the comments or email us.)

Official accounts, player and staff accounts

Official Indiana men’s basketball account – @IndianaMBB
Archie Miller – @Archie_Miller
Bruiser Flint – @bruflint14
Ed Schilling – @CoachSchilling
Clif Marshall – @ClifMarshall
Derek Elston – @dsol32
Collin Hartman – @CollinHartman30
Josh Newkirk – @1Newkirk_
Robert Johnson – @RoJoJr
Tim Priller – @Vanilla_Prilla
Freddie McSwain – @Mcswain_swain
Quentin Taylor – @cinQo_
Juwan Morgan – @juwanmorgan
Johnny Jager – @moveslike_JAGER
Devonte Green – @ChefBoyArGreen
Curtis Jones – @ctj_curt
De’Ron Davis – @DDavis2016
Justin Smith – @justinsmith3_
Al Durham Jr. – @aldurham01
Clifton Moore – @CliftonMoore16
Race Thompson – @RaceThompson1
Vijay Blackmon – @VijayBlackmon24
Ethan Lasko – @Iamjulian613

Former players

James Blackmon Jr. – @JBlackmon2
Thomas Bryant – @nolimittb31
OG Anunoby – @OAnunoby
Cody Zeller – @CodyZeller
Victor Oladipo – @VicOladipo
Jordan Hulls – @JordanHulls1
Christian Watford – @Cwat205
Troy Williams – @troywilliams_
Yogi Ferrell – @YogiFerrell11
Noah Vonleh – @NoahVonleh
Verdell Jones – @Vj3_217
Nick Zeisloft – @n_zeis2
Max Bielfeldt – @MaxBielfeldt
Eric Gordon – @TheofficialEG10
D.J. White – @dj_white3
Calbert Cheaney – @calbertcheaney
Michael Lewis – @CoachMikeLewis
Alan Henderson – @44AlanHenderson
Kirk Haston – @KirkHaston35IU
A.J. Guyton – @ajguyton
Jared Jeffries – @ModernFishingTV
Dane Fife – @CoachDaneFife
Errek Suhr – @ErrekSuhr
Jarrad Odle – @JarradOdle
Mike Roberts – @MikeRobertsUNCG
Quinn Buckner – @QuinnBuckner
Tom Abernethy – @tomaber33
Dan Dakich – @dandakich
Isiah Thomas – @iamisiahthomas
Steve Risley – @srisley34
Greg Graham – @ggraham1126
Pat Graham – @pgraham10
Ryan Burton – @ryanburton_10
Mike Santa – @mwsanta
Adam Ahlfeld – @atrainIU34

Media accounts

Alex Bozich (ITH) – @insidethehall
Ryan Corazza (ITH) – @ryancorazza
Josh Margolis (ITH) – @MargolisNews
Jamie Owens (ITH) – @JamieOwens
Mike Miller (Herald-Times) – @MikeMillerHT
Zach Osterman (Indy Star) – @ZachOsterman
Gregg Doyel (Indy Star) – @GreggDoyelStar
Terry Hutchens (CNHI) – @IndySportsHutch
Jeremy Price (Herald-Times) – @JPPrice
Jeff Rabjohns (Scout/Peegs) – @JeffRabjohns
Mike Pegram (Scout/Peegs) – @peegs
Ken Bikoff (Scout/Peegs) – @kbikoff
Stuart Jackson (Rivals/TheHoosier) – @StuJTH
Jordan Wells (Rivals/TheHoosier) – @JWellsTH
Taylor Lehman (Rivals/TheHoosier) – @TaylorRLehman
Pete DiPrimio (IU Athletics) – @pdiprimio
Chris Goff (Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette) – @CgoffJG
Andrew Hussey (Indiana Daily Student) – @thehussnetwork
Zain Pyarali (IUSTV Sports) – @ZainPyarali
Jerod Morris (Assembly Call) – @AssemblyCall
Andy Bottoms (Assembly Call) – @AndyBottoms
Rick Bozich (WDRB) – @rickbozich
Bob Kravitz (WTHR) – @bkravitz
Seth Tow (Inside Indiana/247Sports) – @SethTow
Drew Davis (Indiana Sports Coverage) – @1997Davis


Chronic Hoosier – @ChronicHoosier
CrimsonQuarry – @crimsonquarry
CrimsonCast – @CrimsonCast
Crimson Guard – @iucrimsonguard
Jeremy Gray (IU Athletics) – @IUJGray
Indiana on BTN – @IndianaOnBTN
Pro Ball Hoosiers – @ProBallHoosiers

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