Tutorial: How to register and comment with Disqus

  • Jul 26, 2008 in

We’ve had a few emails asking for better instructions on how to comment on the site, so we’ve written a short tutorial that we hope will help. Details after the jump.

Since our commenting system is powered by Disqus, you’ll need to create a username and password to work with their system. All you need is a valid email address. You can either sign up over at their site by clicking here or you can follow these instructions and sign up right here on Inside the Hall.

Step 1: Underneath each post, there is a link to login. (Note: If you’re already signed up and logged in, you won’t see this.) Click the link that says “Disqus.” Note: You can also login with your Facebook, Twitter, OpenID or Yahoo! account.


Step 2: After you click login, you’ll be prompted for your username and password. Instead, click the link below that says “Don’t have one? Register a new profile.”


Step 3: At the registration screen, enter an email address, username and password. Click the register button. As long as the username you’ve selected isn’t taken by another Disqus user, you’ll be taken back to the original post and should be ready to go. If you encounter any problems logging in after registration, clear your browser cache.


Note: In order to customize your Disqus profile and add features like avatars, go to Disqus.com and navigate the links on the left side.

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