Bassett likely out on Tuesday; D.J. talks to SI

  • Jan 7, 2008 in

Armon Bassett– According to Chris Korman of the Herald Times, Armon Bassett will likely miss Tuesday’s game at Michigan. Indiana coach Kelvin Sampson had the following to say on this morning’s Big Ten conference call:

“We have to get Armon Bassett back. For us to be as good as we can be, we need him to be playing. Not having him is a blow for us. I don’t think we’ll have him for the Michigan game, either. He’s just getting a lot of treatment. A lot of rehab. It’s something that’s going to bother him the rest of the year. It may be a thing where he needs to have surgery and be out or we may be able to get him through the year with it.”

Bassett played just three minutes on Wednesday at Iowa in Indiana’s 79-76 win. Look for Jordan Crawford to get the nod at the point Tuesday evening in Ann Arbor.

– Our friend Luke Winn of threw down a Q & A with D.J. White and here is one of the more interesting responses on Eric Gordon’s sleeping and eating habits:

LW: Gordon looks like such a veteran scorer when he’s on the floor. Does he at least have some freshman habits off of it, that make him seem like a kid? Or is there anything the older guys harass him about?

DJW: Well … We both take naps in the same room [at Assembly Hall] before games. And he snores in there a lot. It’s loud and it gets very annoying; I joke with him about it, but there’s nothing you can do to make it stop. You nudge him and he might lighten up for a few seconds, but after that he’s back to snoring.

He also can eat a lot. The way his body is like — with no fat — you wouldn’t know it, but he’ll eat like three hamburgers at a time. He has a huge appetite. He can easily out-eat me.

You can read the entire interview by clicking here.

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