Optimism, and not about Eric Gordon

  • Sep 9, 2007 in

james-hardy.jpegThanks to the Big Ten Network, I can’t watch IU football (an issue that will be resolved, as God is my witness, before basketball season arrives), but I can tell you what you already know.

After week two, the Hoosiers are 2-0. The Michigan Wolverines, and the Notre Dame Fighting Touchdown Jesuses, are 0-2. There is sincere, genuine, unabashed happiness at this news, because it combines the best of both worlds: the defeat (however indirect) of our enemies, and our own success. Does it get any better?

In all seriousness, though, this little batch of success might add up to something. I know, I know: I say this every year. I said it in 2005, when I covered IU, and when a trip to a bowl game meant an expenses-paid trip for me to, like, Detroit. In college, that sounded spectacular.

But there is reason for optimism, because the Hoosiers aren’t barely squeaking by the teams they used to struggle with; they’re winning big and easy, the way decent D-1 teams should during the dawn of the season. There is a passing attack and a spread offense and a decent D and … some semblance of a confident, solid football team. At the very least, we don’t have to wait until Midnight Madness to get excited about 2007.

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