Open thread: Predict Indiana’s regular season record

  • Sep 2, 2014 in

This contest is sponsored by Underground Printing. Visit them in Bloomington on Kirkwood or at

Thanks to our friends at Underground Printing, we’re back with another contest for the 2014-2015 season.

The task at hand is to predict Indiana’s regular season record for the upcoming season. There are 13 non-conference games and 18 Big Ten games for a total of 31 contests.

The schedule, for those who wish to give it a closer look before making a prediction, is here.

At stake, aside from bragging rights, is $50 to spend either in store or online at Underground Printing.

Here’s how it’ll work: This thread will remain open until Hoosier Hysteria on Oct. 25. Your guesses will then be locked in and following the Michigan State game next March, we’ll revisit the comments and pull out all of the correct guesses. Everyone that gets the regular season record correct will then be entered into a drawing for the prize.

Feel free to provide an explanation with your prediction, but please post the final record it as the first part of your comment. It makes for easier record keeping. Also, one entry per person, please.

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