Goodbye, ITH Nation

  • Aug 17, 2013 in

As difficult as it is to announce, I will be leaving Inside the Hall to accept a position with Fox Sports and covering Indiana basketball and basketball recruiting. I’ll join Terry Hutchens’ team at on Wednesday.

I am truly sad to leave ITH and all of you after almost two years. You guys are some of the most educated and enthusiastic IU fans out there, and I’ll miss being able to interact with you on a regular basis.

On top of that, Alex and Ryan have been two of the best people to work with as well as two of the most talented guys I have ever met. It has been an honor to be part of the ITH team as long as I have and I’ll now watch from afar as it continues to grow and prosper.

I’ll still be around and I hope some of you will come over and read my work at my new home. But instead of rambling on, I’ll just cut myself off there and thank you for reading my work over the last two years. It’s been an honor to bring you IU basketball coverage.

As far as my replacement here at Inside the Hall, that will be announced early next week.

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