I guess this is goodbye, old friends

  • Apr 4, 2011 in

Well, sort of goodbye.

To avoid hyperbole or unnecessary rambling: I’ve signed onto 247 Sports’ new venture with Inside Indiana. I will, unfortunately, be leaving this space, which has grown rather dear to me over the last year-plus.

I signed on with Alex and Ryan in January of last year, but the truth is, much like many of you, I had been reading Inside The Hall pretty much since its inception.

To be a part of the impressive growth the site has undertaken — even if just a small part — has been a real treat, and something I’ll probably treasure forever.

I guess this isn’t quite goodbye, as I’ll still be around. In fact if anything, my responsibilities will expand to covering football as well, so you’ll be hearing more from me than surely you could ever want to.

Again, I promised I would be brief — plus I’m awful at goodbyes — so let me please just say thank you to all of you for making my time on the site as fun and as wonderful as you have. It really was a treat.

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