The Indiana Daily Student’s brilliant basketball guide cover

  • Nov 19, 2008 in

It’s no secret that this site has deep, unconditional love in its heart for the Indiana Daily Student. Why, it’s where we honed our own journalistic skills, only to then waste them on trivial pursuits like “blogging” and “web editing.” Whoops.

The day-to-day insanity of life at the IDS is occasionally interrupted by a few big projects, like the Graduation Issue, the Little 500 Guide and, of course, the Basketball Guide. It was always a contest: Who had the best idea? The best design? Which underappreciated artistic genius could carry their complex vision through to completion?

I’d like to officially nominate the 2008-09 IDSers the winners. Forever:

Simple. Elegant. Poignant. You rock, IDS.

(HT: Baby J)

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