NCAA advises IU to halt the barnstorming tour

  • Jun 27, 2008 in

The Barnstorming Tour, which is run annually by Criss Beyers, has likely seen its last stop. According to our friend Chris Korman of the H-T/Hoosier Scoop, the NCAA has advised the Big Ten to not allow the tour to take place.

Criss Beyers, a local AAU coach who has run the tours for six years, learned late yesterday that the NCAA has “strongly advised” the Big Ten not to allow the annual tour to continue. Beyers said that the NCAA has had questions about the tour in recent years but has always ultimately declared it to be acceptable. Beyers wasn’t sure what precipitated the NCAA’s altered outlook on the tour.

Not much else to say about this. IU is at the mercy of the NCAA overlords until their punishment is announced. My personal take is that it’s a harmless event that gives fans across the state an opportunity to see the incoming players, but given the current climate in Bloomington, the NCAA will get its wish and the event will cease to exist. Bummer.

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