Capobianco enjoys experience at NBA Top 100 Camp
Many of the top seniors-to-be assembled last week at the University of Virginia for the NBA Top 100 Camp and one of IU’s committed players for the 2009 class, Bobby Capopbianco, was right in the thick of things.
“Basically, it started every morning at 6:30. You could choose to come and work out before breakfast. There was about 25 of us that came to do that,” Capobianco told Inside the Hall. “You would eat breakfast and then you’d have a morning class where someone would talk to you about recruiting, attitude, things like that. Then it moved to games and there were workout sessions during the day. It was a lot of exercise and a lot of games.”
Capobianco played for the Magic at the camp and teamed up with Stephan Van Treese and Roger Franklin.
“Nothing new playing with Steve, we play together all of the time. It was good to have him though because we have good court chemistry. Roger’s a great guy. We’ve been friends for a while. The kid hustles harder than anybody else that I’ve ever seen. It was a pleasure playing with both of them.”
Besides taking part in the NBA Top 100, Capobianco has been busy playing with Indiana Elite and one of his teammates is Bloomington South point guard Jordan Hulls.
“I’m stoked that he’s coming (to Indiana). I feel like it’s going to be a good situation for him and somewhere that he can thrive with Coach Crean’s offense,” Capobianco said. “We’re both excited to be playing together in college. We talk a lot about what to expect our freshman year and with how college is going to go.”
With his post game well-established, Capobianco is using the summer to improve on other aspects on his game that will help him at the next level.
“My play in the post is something I’ve always prided myself on, so really I’ve been working on playing off the wing and a pull-up jumper. The other stuff has been jumping and running.”
As far as the rest of the summer goes, Capobianco will wrap things up with the Adidas Take 5 Classic in Cincinnati, the Kentucky Hoopfest in Louisville and also the Adidas Super 64 in Las Vegas.
Filed to: Bobby Capobianco