Jordan Crawford not returning to IU

  • Jun 11, 2008 in

Surprise, surprise: Jordan Crawford’s family has told new IU coach Tom Crean that Crawford won’t be returning to IU. The Herald Times’ diligent Chris Korman has the scoop.

Nice. That officially gives IU, what, two returning players next year? Three? I’m not joking: I honestly have no clue how many players the Hoosiers will suit up next year. If only Adam Ahlfeld had one more year of eligibility, he could have started at the point.

Now, please excuse me. I’m going to go ignore the fact that any of this ever happened. If you close your eyes so hard you see stars, breathe deeply, and hit yourself in the head with a ball peen hammer forty or fifty times, it’s like our team is still really good. And there are pretty colors everywhere! I highly recommend it.

Update: The Basketblog has a couple of confirmations, too.

Update #2: The H-T/Hoosier Scoop has a statement from the Crawford family:

“We are proud that our son Jordan has been a part of the Indiana University basketball program, one with a long and storied tradition of academic and athletic excellence. In Jordan’s short career, he was able to show his desire to emulate these characteristics. However, due to unforeseen circumstances he has chosen to move in a new direction. He and our entire family wish Indiana University continued success.”


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