Rick Greenspan, you’re on the clock

  • Mar 30, 2008 in

rgreen.jpgAs the “blue ribbon” search committee moves to get a coach in place before Saturday’s Final Four in San Antonio, IU fans are gathered at this very blog, other blogs, message boards and water coolers at work commenting about the direction of the program.

There are contrasting opinions on who the choice should be, but there is one consensus: Athletic Director Rick Greenspan better get this right. Nevermind the “search committee.” If this search ends in a decision unfavorable to the Hoosier faithful (see the latest rumors of Lon Kruger and Mike Montgomery), Greenspan, not the committee, will be shouldering the blame. And rightfully so.

Many fans are annoyed and some are downright furious that Greenspan is still employed after the Kelvin Sampson debacle, but he was likely given a pass because of the influence former IU President Adam Herbert had on that decision. There will be no bailing out Greenspan this time around. Not even a 10-person committee will be able to save him. This time, it’s on him to get it right. As it should be.

The fact that IU can’t rely on Greenspan to hire a coach by himself should speak volumes about the confidence those in high places have in him as a decision maker. His approval rating can’t be much higher than George W. Bush. This is the last chance for Greenspan to rectify the void in the leadership role IU basketball has been lacking for quite some time. If he knocks it out of the park, he’ll likely be spared. If not, well, you know where that path will take him.

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