Our somewhat meaningless Big Ten predictions

  • Jan 2, 2008 in

scarlett.jpgYou may be wondering, what does Scarlett Johansson have to do with the Big Ten? Absolutely nothing. We just like looking at her and I bet you do, too.

The real fun begins tonight when the Hoosiers travel to Carver-Hawkeye Arena to take on Iowa. The last part of our Big Ten preview is our predictions for the following: order of finish, all-league teams, player of the year and coach of the year. (We might throw in a podcast at some point, if you’re lucky.) At the end of the season, we’ll be able to look back and say, “What were we thinking?”

Big Ten standings:

PostmanE: Indiana, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio State, Purdue, Penn State, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Northwestern
PostmanR: Michigan State, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Illinois, Minnesota, Purdue, Iowa, Michigan, Penn State, Northwestern
Big A: Michigan State, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Purdue, Minnesota, Illinois, Penn State, Iowa, Michigan, Northwestern

All-Big Ten team:

PostmanE: Drew Neitzel, Eric Gordon, Raymar Morgan, Geary Claxton, D.J. White
PostmanR: Drew Neitzel, Eric Gordon, Raymar Morgan, Geary Claxton, D.J. White
Big A: Drew Neitzel, Eric Gordon, Raymar Morgan, Brian Butch, D.J. White

Player of the year:

PostmanE: Eric Gordon
PostmanR: Eric Gordon
Big A: Eric Gordon

Coach of the year:

PostmanE: Tubby Smith
PostmanR: Tubby Smith
Big A: Bo Ryan

Anyone think that PostmanE and PostmanR copied off of each other in the last three categories? I’m not accusing anybody of anything, I’m just saying…Anyway, your predictions are more than welcome in the comments.

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