Cody Zeller sets dates for official visits

  • Sep 1, 2010 in

Per this tweet from Kyle Neddenriep, Washington (IN) forward Cody Zeller has lined up dates for official visits to the three remaining schools on his list.

Butler, the defending national runner-up, will be the first school to host Zeller on October 9-11. North Carolina will receive their visit on the opening weekend of practice (October 15-17). And Indiana will get the opportunity for the last impression as the Hoosiers will host Zeller on October 29-31. Indiana football hosts Northwestern on October 30.

Since I’m often asked by readers for my opinion on the direction of Zeller’s recruitment, here are a couple of thoughts:

+ If you’re looking for clues on where Cody will end up based on comments from the family, you’re going to hit a dead end quickly. There are going to be rumors and “I heard this from so-and-so” in the comments and on the message boards up until the decision is made. And while it might be fun to read and discuss, I don’t buy any of it.

+ The visit to North Carolina on the opening weekend of practice makes sense if Cody’s parents, Lorri and Steve, will be making the trip to Chapel Hill to watch Tyler and the Tar Heels kick off their season.

+ I have an opinion, privately, about where I believe Zeller will end up. Some readers have asked me to comment via email or Twitter, but the upside to making a public prediction is zero. If I say I believe he’s going to IU, I’ll be called a homer and then an idiot (or worse) if he doesn’t end up picking the Hoosiers.

With that, I’ll leave you with a video compilation of Zeller and a Q &A from July at the adidas Invitational after the jump:

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